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What to expect from the course
How to make a canvas (15:19)
Composition Workbook
Perspective Lesson & PDF
8 to Infinity - Colour Mixing with Oil Paint
8 to Infinity - Colour Mixing with Watercolour
Medium 1 - Drawing
Understand the fundamentals of drawing
Drawing Toolkit
Drawing Methods and Techniques
Drawing Exercises
Artwork Examples
Medium 2: Watercolour Painting
Understand the fundamentals of Watercolour
Watercolour Toolkit
Watercolour Methods and Techniques
Watercolour Exercises
Watercolour examples
Medium 3: Oil Painting
Understand the fundamentals of Oil Painting
Oil Painting Toolkit
Oil painting Methods and Techniques
Oil Painting Exercises
Oil Painting examples
Medium 4: Mixed medium & Experimental Techniques
Mixed Medium Techniques
Project Critiques
Critique Information
Drawing Methods and Techniques
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